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Carrot and Honey Pick and Mix Bar

Carrot and Honey Pick and Mix Bar

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Rejuvenate your skin with our Carrot and Honey Soap Bar.

Enriched with carrot puree which lends it its beautiful orange hue, this natural bubbly soap bar is the perfect facial and body wash. Left unscented, it is kind to even the most delicate skin.

Carrots are rich in beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that is believed to even out skin tone, gently exfoliate, and aid in the fight against skin damage. The wealth of vitamins in carrots also promote cell regeneration and, like its partner shea butter, moisturises whilst letting the skin breathe.

Although our carrot soap can’t make you see in the dark, it will certainly give your skin a healthy glow all year round.

All of our Natural Honey Soaps are made with real Yorkshire honey to encourage a bubbly lather whilst also locking moisture into the skin to leave your body feeling healthy and refreshed.

Ingredients: coconut oil, rapeseed oil, shea butter, glycerol, water, carrot puree, honey.

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