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We have bamboo wood soap dishes for sale, but what if you would like a ceramic or glass one ? We prefer to have a range of artisans to show you their work, than stock just one soap dish that we choose.  You can then match your dish to your own character and interior . So we have collaborated with other artisans who  create soap dishes that cradle our luxurious soaps. That means that as well as smelling fabulous and looking gorgeous, they also last longer by drying out between uses. Take a look through the links to see what these Yorkshire artisans  have available right now, or contact them for bespoke orders.

Darell Miles Ceramics

Darrell is a studio potter from Stocksbridge, Sheffield  in South Yorkshire and creates handbuilt aswell as thrown vessels , sculptures and of course soap dishes. He can be seen at plenty of shows and artisan markets , including Made-in Yorkshire. ( https://madeinyorkshire.org.uk/ )


Andrea Cundell 

Andreas' pieces are  impressed by nature, made by hand and a joy to own.

She  creates contemporary vases and dishes, lumieres, ceramic wall art and of course gorgeous  soap dishes.

http://brigantia.co.uk/pages/AndreaCundell.html  and at some Made in Yorkshire events https://madeinyorkshire.org.uk/ )


 J B T Glass

 Trudy creates beautiful, unique handcrafted fused glass art, and has added bees to soap dishes especially for Bee Clean Soaps. She can also be found at Made in Yorkshire events https://madeinyorkshire.org.uk/ )


Jamali Annay

A whimiscal , playful style of ceramics , creating soap dishes that are light in colours and nature.


Rachel in the Dales 

We have previously collaborated with Rachel in the Dales Pottery to create a shaving scuttle to pair with our Peppermint shaving soap.

Rachel is nestled in the little Yorkshire town of Settle. Her creations and glazes are inspired by the Dales around her and the flora, fauna and geology of the landscape. She has glazed our scuttle using her nettle ash glaze.

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